
Knightsbridge *** VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS ABAIXO *** Hello everyone! In today’s post I am going to talk about a famous London neighbourhood, known for its luxurious Victorian homes, expensive restaurants and famous shops. This expensive neighbourhood is called Knightsbridge and it is located south of the famous Hyde Park. It’s important to remember that the […]

Passive and active voice

Passive and active voice Hello everybody! No post de hoje, iremos ver um tempo verbal bem avançado, mas que não possui segredo: O passive voice! A primeira coisa que precisamos ver é: o que exatamente é o passive voice? Como o seu nome já sugere, ele é uma forma de discurso passiva, ou seja, quando […]

A origem dos Penny Dreadfuls

Penny Dreadfuls VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS ABAIXO Hello everyone! In today’s post we’re going to talk about a very interesting (and even somewhat macabre) part of London’s history: the origin of the Penny Dreadfuls! Penny Dreadfuls As you know, I have a book club where I share interesting stories and facts about important English authors and […]